13 Key Benefits of Hiring Your Blogging Virtual Assistant

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13 Key Benefits of Hiring Your Blogging Virtual Assistant

Blogs have been a time-tested platform for businesses and authors to effectively get in touch with their audiences, deliver information, and convert readers into customers. As such, small business content writers have grown in popularity across all industries.

Outsourcing is another effective business strategy that continues to grow as a global industry. The combined efficiency of both strategies has built spaces where virtual personal assistants for authors, web content writers, and freelance writing services thrive.

Read along to discover how the strategic partnership with a Virtual Assistant can elevate your blog from a simple platform to a thriving, revenue-generating powerhouse.

Virtual Assistants In The Blogging And Writing Industry

Virtual assistants continue to serve multiple industries across the globe, providing massive boosts in productivity, and helping with cost allocation by helping avoid hiring and operating costs. Writers and bloggers alike belong to the group of professionals empowered by virtual assistants. 

From helping create content to managing publishing platforms, connecting with affiliate networks, and marketing content for increased traffic and revenue, outsourcing becomes an effective way to help content creators focus on their craft without neglecting the administrative aspects of content marketing.

Virtual assistants for authors can also help provide a fresh perspective every now and then, proofread drafts, and promote and distribute your content across multiple publishing platforms and networks.

13 Ways Virtual Assistants Empower Bloggers

Here are a few of the best ways a virtual assistant can help your blog grow.

Key Benefits of Hiring Your Blogging Virtual Assistant

1. Content Creation Support

A content writing virtual assistant can provide you with drafts, increasing your productivity as a writer or blogger. They can also help you research topics to write about and fact-check your resources.

This will multiply your output by cutting down the entire writing process by nearly half, leaving you with just proofreading for most or all of the articles you want to publish on your site

2. SEO and Keyword Research

Search engine optimization is another task popularly outsourced to marketing virtual assistants. VAs specialized in content and copywriting can help you with keyword and trend research, as well as optimizing every article you have in your drafts.

They can also take on the tedious work of optimizing old articles you’ve published, or even conducting a basic SEO audit for your blog site. This should give your existing and future articles a boost in organic traffic, and will also help increase your site’s domain authority.

3. Social Media Management

Organic traffic is just one source of many. Social media marketing can also be a powerful source of traffic for your blog.

Have a virtual assistant upgrade your social media presence with talking-head videos, promotional graphics, and other visual media that invite social media users to read your blogs. This can be an effective way to find your blog’s audiences and newsletter subscribers much faster.

4. Graphic Design and Visual Content

Graphic design is another popular task business owners typically outsource to virtual assistants. Your blog can benefit from having more visual aids, especially with current SEO algorithms recommending optimized media assets.

Find a virtual assistant who can deliver graphics that align with your blog’s brand and audience’s preferred design styles. Depending on their skill level, you can also have a personalized blog theme or website design.

5. Email Marketing and Newsletter Creation

Blogging is always best combined with email marketing. With an audience you “own”, your blog can be less susceptible to frequent and major algorithmic updates from search engines and social media platforms.

Similarly, your virtual assistant can help run multiple campaigns, as well as clean up and segment your audience list, optimizing email conversions and increasing revenue from your affiliate links.

6. Administrative Task Handling

Virtual assistants are first and foremost masters of taking over administrative tasks. Your writing virtual assistant should also have the fundamental capacity to handle your admin tasks.

This way, you won’t have to worry about your affiliate networks, backlink networks, and even schedule management for both your time and publishing schedules. They can also conduct outreach to media outlets, influencers, and so much more!

7. Research and Data Compilation

Research is a huge part of blog work and that, too, can be outsourced to a virtual assistant. With some training, they should be able to provide you exactly with the information and sources you want with every research task.

This also comes with training on how you want research data to be organized. Having organized research documented will also help you in future projects, be it informative lead magnets or future updates.

8. Client Communication and Engagement

Engagement is another metric to gauge the success of websites and individual blog pages. Keeping your audience hooked with your content involves designing and writing engaging content, as well as engaging with them.

Your virtual assistant can represent your brand when it comes to corresponding with multiple clients simultaneously. Note that when you implement this, it’s best to also ask your VA to have an organized system with a simple tracker or even a CRM platform.

9. Monetization Strategies

Getting monetized is one of the best ways to make money off of content creation. This applies to blogs, too. Similarly, getting a blog monetized does take some time and a couple of steps.

You can delegate this project and its strategies to a virtual assistant, and have them connect your brand with affiliate networks, trade backlinks with other sites, and activate digital ads within your blog.

10. Blog Editing and Proofreading

If your process involves writing longer drafts and trimming them down to only what’s relevant to your target topic, a virtual assistant can help you proofread and edit your initial drafts.

Doing this will also introduce a fresh perspective into your draft, help refine your writing process, and overall improve your production process. This will also help you avoid the tedious task of proofreading lengthy initial drafts that usually require major revisions.

11. Community Engagement and Moderation

Monetizing your blog is always most effective when you build and manage a community around your brand. This includes both social media followers and email subscribers, but other platforms will also always count.

Your virtual assistant can even activate a membership system on your site, moderate comments on your blogs and social media posts, and so much more. This will help you connect better with your audience and more quickly niche down on the more profitable segments.

12. Basic Technical Support and Website Management

It’s not uncommon to find a virtual assistant who has some skill in website management and technical support. You can specifically look for a writing virtual assistant who also has these skills to help you out.

They can help you with formatting problems that may need some basic coding, and even update your website whenever needed.

13. Analytics Monitoring

The most important part of boosting your blog’s revenue-generating capacity is to monitor the data your audience gives you. 

Using free tools like Microsoft Clarity, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console, a virtual assistant can help you monitor and extrapolate data-driven insights to keep your growth in the right direction.

tasks for Virtual assistant for authors

4 Key Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant for Bloggers 

1. Enhanced Productivity

Business owners and content creators with virtual assistants find their productivity boosted after outsourcing tasks outside their expertise or area of interest.

Having a VA help you with even just a few of the tasks listed above can massively impact your output levels and overall productivity.

2. Time and Resource Optimization

With a virtual assistant taking care of the tasks you don’t like or don’t have time for, you’ll end up being able to access the best use of your time and other resources.

You can block out your creative hours for writing, research, and other core tasks you prefer to focus on. If you’re only starting out with your blog as a side project, outsourcing website management and social media marketing can help you monetize your blog much faster.

3. Quality Content Output

A virtual assistant freeing up your time will inadvertently boost the quality of your output. Not only do they give you the time to rest, write, and get creative, but they can also conduct in-depth research on trending topics, SEO keywords, audience data, and so much more.

4. Improved Engagement and Reach

Digital marketing, data analytics, community engagement, and audience monitoring are the key tasks you should delegate to your virtual assistant if you want to widen your reach and increase overall traffic to your blog.

This will help your blog grow faster in terms of traffic, engagement, domain rating, and eventually recurring affiliate commissions.

key benefits of a Content writing virtual assistant

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Bloggers from Virtudesk

Producing content, marketing your blog, and keeping up with digital marketing trends can easily overwhelm any writer. 

Having a virtual assistant by your side to help in all aspects of your blogging journey or project can be massively beneficial, especially if you want a monetized platform. Here’s how to find the right VA with Virtudesk.

Step 1: Complete Sign-Up Form

Fill out this form so our Consultants can prepare the best options for your discovery call session.

Step 2: Selecting the Right Virtual Assistant

Interview a roster of virtual assistants, selected based on the findings from your discovery call.

Step 3: Introduction and Onboarding

Get on a call with your chosen virtual assistant and officially welcome them into your company. This can also be the start of a comprehensive onboarding process.

Level Up Your Blogging Journey with Virtual Assistance

Blogging can be a lucrative form of content creation, even for businesses, but the work it takes to get monetized can exhaust anyone. Fortunately, virtual assistants for authors and small business content writers are here to cut the work in half.

Grow your blog into a platform that rewards you for your talent. Get a virtual assistant today to help you focus on what you do best for your blog, while they take over the rest.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a blogger virtual assistant?
    • A blogger virtual assistant usually drafts and publishes articles for their client’s blog or newsletter. Working for bloggers, VAs can also help with traffic and search engine optimization, WordPress management, and so much more.
  • What does a virtual assistant do to help a blogger?
    • A virtual assistant hired by a blogger can help with research, drafting articles, search engine optimization, graphic design, monetization, content distribution, and so much more.
  • How can a virtual assistant help your business grow?
    • Virtual assistants are known to help businesses flourish regardless of field, growth stage, or industry. By taking over administrative, marketing, and so many other tasks, while cutting hiring and operating costs, outsourcing to virtual assistants has become the practical choice for businesses worldwide.
  • Is it worth having a virtual assistant?
    • Having a virtual assistant can easily cut your work in half, regardless of your position or industry. They usually take on tedious, administrative work, while others come with unique specializations A strong inclination for further development is also common.
  • What is the role of a web content writer?
    • A web content writer’s role is mainly to provide any written content usually for blogging, social media marketing, or search engine optimization, among other things.

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Byron Lazine

Co-Founding Chief-of-Operations at BAM (Broke Agent Media)

I’ve been using Virtual Assistants for years throughout all of my companies. Once we found Virtudesk the process got even easier and allowed us to scale out our hiring. Highly skilled and accountable professionals. 100% recommend!

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Rebecca Julianna James

Realtor / Content Creator

Before getting started with Virtudesk I had my doubts that they would find what I was looking for. I needed a very particular person to add to my team and let me tell you I am highly pleased! My virtual assistant Myril is the best! I am excited to grow my socialmedia accounts with her. Thank you Virtudesk!

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Chelsea Erickson

Realtor La Belle RE Group

I am very happy with the assistance Virtudesk is providing for my real estate business. This is a newer position for my company and we are working through the creation and efficiency.