Proven Facebook Ad Types That Rapidly Scale Revenue

Mar 28, 2024
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With roughly 3 billion monthly active users, there’s no doubt that Facebook is one, if not the biggest, social media platform currently available online. This presents the opportunity of a lifetime for brands to get the most out of their digital marketing strategies and translate them into efforts that will rapidly scale revenue.

However, there is no one straight path into the hearts of your consumers. Depending on your branding,  niche, and objectives, the road to maximizing your reach towards the platform’s diverse set of users will take some proper planning and execution. In this blog, we’ll discuss Facebook’s different ad types to better understand which approach is for you.

Facebook’s Advertising Landscape

Aside from scrolling through hundreds of videos, keeping up with the latest news, reuniting with old friends, and liking travel photos from friends and family, Facebook has also grown to be the leading social commerce platform in the world, making it a prime spot for entrepreneurs to conduct their promotions and hopefully translate into sales.

According to Statista, Facebook generated nearly $114 billion in advertising revenue, with the expectancy to grow and exceed $127 billion by 2027. With other platforms on the rise, like the introduction of TikTok Shop, it’s still clear that Facebook still leads in terms of which platform will conceive the most ROI for businesses.

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Different Types of Advertising Campaign Objectives

Brand Awareness

Especially for businesses just starting out, brand awareness is an advertising objective in getting your name out there. What’s the point of marketing your products or services if consumers don’t even know your brand to begin with? Ads centered around brand awareness aims to be the solution to that exact dilemma.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of your brand awareness campaign, consider factors such as your target audience, the design, typography, and caption. Taking these into account when conceptualizing your post can better increase your chances of brand recall, an important aspect in ensuring you get into the consumers’ radar.


Ads centered around reach mainly aim to get your post across to the most people possible within your target audience. Often in conjecture with brand awareness ads, these ads are perfect for brands launching a new product or highlighting the relevance of an upcoming major event. 

However, unlike brand awareness, which is mainly done to introduce who you are, reach ads are more catered to intentionally targeting viewers with the most likeliness to be converted into customers who will engage or take action.


For businesses that want to drive consumers to a specific area of their operations, setting a traffic objective is the best way to go about it. Whether it’s to your official website or your company’s newly launched mobile app, this strategy can greatly boost the number of people visiting your website or downloading your software.


In this social media age, particularly on Facebook, building a community is one of the most powerful strategies you can utilize to help your brand stand out. Engagement campaigns are a great way to do exactly this while also driving more interactions with your content. 

If your goal is to drive more participation towards an upcoming special event or to merely foster an environment where you can freely interact with your consumers, the likes, comments, shares, and event responses will be a good measuring point for the effectiveness of your efforts.


Mainly done for product announcements and campaigns where videos play a crucial role in relaying the main message, viewership campaigns are a good way to maximize the number of eyes who will see your content. However, much like any content that’s heavily reliant on visuals, it’s important to emphasize the essence of finding the right balance between striking visuals and quality storytelling, since these two play a huge role in audience retention.

Lead Generation

Every lead generation campaign aims to collect information from potential customers. This objective uses forms to gather information, such as personal details, contact information, and other important details that could help maximize the effectiveness of your lead generation efforts, specifically in the lead segmentation process.

In the context of Facebook, the platform has its own lead ads feature, which makes lead generation for your business easily and conveniently accomplished. The feature comes with its own pre-populated forms that are ready to be sent directly to you, an innovative feature that mutually benefits the business and the consumers.


At the end of the day, every business owner’s goal is to translate all their efforts into sales. Conversion objectives are the way to go about this since this approach mainly revolves around the intention of securing transactions and urging consumers to take action.

Behind every successful conversion campaign is the execution of your brand identity and how well you know your consumers. Depending on your market, the elements of the visuals and the effectiveness of the Call-To-Action (CTA) should be aligned with their preference.

different types of advertising campaign

Proven Ad Types for Facebook

Image Ads

Probably considered one of the classics in the world of Facebook advertising, image ads are one of the most simple, yet powerful ways to drive consumers towards your brand. Depending on your objective, Databox stated that producing image ads not only saves time but also resources, making it a viable option for brands focused on getting clicks and conversions. 

Evil Twin shared Databox’s sentiments, stating that image ads are preferred for their ability to be a cost-effective solution in conveying messages effectively. Both articles highlighted the importance of using high-quality and captivating images when executing image ads. For the best insights, Facebook also published an article stating the best practices for image ads to help you maximize the effectiveness of your promotions.

Facebook’s Design Recommendation for Image Feed Posts:

  • File Type: JPG or PNG
  • Ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Facebook’s Text Recommendation for Image Feed Posts:

  • Primary Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 27 characters
  • Description: 27 characters

Facebook’s Technical Requirements for Image Feed Posts:

  • Maximum File Size: 30MB
  • Minimum Width: 600 pixels
  • Minimum Height: 600 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 3%

This information is solely based on Facebook’s recommendation for feed posts. For more details on the recommendations regarding other image ad placements, visit Meta’s Facebook Ads Guide.

how to maximize the effectiveness of facebook image ads

Video Ads

On the other side, you have video ads. This mode of advertisement gained popularity with brands who want to convey a deeper story about their product in a way images cannot. If executed properly, video ads are known for being very engaging, especially on Facebook, where you only have a small window to capture people’s attention. That’s why it’s important that whether it’s a snippet or a long clip, you should be able to hook your audience within the first few seconds.

Bunny Studio further substantiated the value of video ads, stating that video ads rake in 270% more leads and 480% more clicks than images. On the conversion side, videos can increase from 20 to 30% compared to Facebook image ads, further proving its effectiveness as one of the best digital marketing strategies to implement into your operations.

Facebook’s Design Recommendation for Video Feed Posts:

  • File Type: MP4, MOV, or GIF
  • Ratio: 1:1 (Desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (Mobile only)
  • Video Settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan, and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
  • Video Sound: Optional, but recommended

Facebook’s Text Recommendation for Video Feed Posts:

  • Primary Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 27 characters
  • Description: 27 characters

Facebook’s Technical Requirements for Video Feed Posts:

  • Video Duration: 1 second to 241 minutes
  • Maximum File Size: 4GB
  • Minimum Width: 120 pixels
  • Minimum Height: 120 pixels

This information is solely based on Facebook’s recommendation for feed posts. For more details on the recommendations regarding other video ad placements, visit Meta’s Facebook Ads Guide.

best practices for video ads

Stories Ads

Over the years, the concept of ephemeral content has been recognized as one of the most recent innovations in digital marketing strategies. In layman’s terms, ephemeral content is referred to as temporary content, which usually disappears after 24 hours. This was initially introduced by Snapchat, a social media platform that paved the way for Instagram and Facebook to introduce this to their long list of features.

It wasn’t long before entrepreneurs saw this as an opportunity to create an immersive experience for their consumers. Usually seen for promoting limited-time offers or simply as a content pillar, story ads are a good way to create a sense of urgency and encourage your consumers to take immediate action to avail of your products or services. 

Facebook’s Recommendation for Static Stories:

  • File Type: JPG or PNG
  • Ratio: 9:16
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Primary Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Maximum File Size: 30 MB
  • Minimum Width: 500 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 1%

Facebook’s Recommendation for Dynamic Stories:

  • File Type: MP4, MOV, or GIF
  • Ratio: 9:16
  • Video Settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan, and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Video Captions: Optional, but recommended
  • Video Sound: Optional, but recommended
  • Primary Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Video Duration: 1 second to 2 minutes
  • Maximum File Size: 4GB
  • Minimum Width: 500 pixels
  • Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 1%

For both static and dynamic story ads, Facebook recommended leaving 14% (250 pixels) of the top and 20% (340 pixels) of the bottom of the image free from text, logos, and other creative elements to make way for the call-to-action.

tips on how to maximize story ads

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads are a great option to showcase a wide array of your products and services within a single ad. Each ad allows 10 images or videos to be included, each coming with its own link, allowing brands to provide a more detailed experience regarding their products.

Commonly seen with brands in the clothing, beauty, and fitness industries, carousel ads are highly successful since these sectors are known for producing and promoting several products at a time. According to Lebesgue, carousel ads have been reported to achieve a 30% higher click-through rate (CTR) compared to video ads and a 34% higher CTR than ads containing a single image, further emphasizing the success rate that carousel ads possess compared to other ad types.

Facebook’s Design Recommendation for Carousel Feed Posts:

  • Image File Type: JPG or PNG
  • Video File Type: MP4, MOV or GIF
  • Ratio: 1:1 
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080  pixels

Facebook’s Text Recommendation for Carousel Feed Posts:

  • Primary Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 32 characters
  • Description: 18 characters
  • Landing Page URL: Required

Facebook’s Technical Requirements for Carousel Feed Posts:

  • Number of Carousel Cards: 2 to 10
  • Image of Maximum File Size: 30MB
  • Video Maximum File Size: 4GB
  • Video Duration: 1 second to 240 minutes
  • Aspect Ratio Tolerance: 3%

For other Carousel placements, visit Meta’s Facebook Ads Guide to learn more about the recommendations and requirements.

industries that should utilize carousel ads

Collection Ads

Another ad type that’s commonly seen with apparel stores showcasing multiple products is collection ads. Unlike carousel ads, these ads offer a more compelling and visually immersive shopping experience. Once users click on the ad, they are directly taken to the brand’s web or mobile landing page.

Another aspect that makes collection ads stand out as one of the top digital marketing strategies is the variety of benefits they offer for businesses, including traffic, conversions, and, of course, sales. Facebook’s collection ad feature also comes with templates you can choose from, allowing for creative freedom to effectively showcase your brand.

Facebook’s Design Recommendations for Collection Feed Posts:

  • Image Type: JPG or PNG
  • Video File Type: MP4, MOV, or GIF
  • Ratio: 1:1
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080

Facebook’s Text Recommendations for Collection Feed Posts:

  • Primary Text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Landing Page URL: Required

Facebook’s Technical Requirements for Collection Feed Posts:

  • Instant Experience: Required
  • Image Maximum File Size: 30MB
  • Video Maximum File Size: 4GB

Source: Meta’s Facebook Ads Guide

Poll Ads

In this competitive landscape, you’ll need every advantage you can get to better understand your consumers. Typically, brands would conduct surveys and interviews to grasp which works and which doesn’t. However, one strategy that can yield benefits for your brand both in the data-gathering and marketing aspects of your operations is poll ads. 

One of the key advantages of poll ads on Facebook is its ability to drive direct engagement with the audience, especially with an established community. Unlike other ads, this format can allow you to build relationships with your consumers while also reaping the benefits of having a higher engagement rate, all the while gaining immediate insights into your consumers’ preferences and behaviors.

Messenger Ads

Within the realm of lead generation, Facebook Messenger ads have proven effective for businesses in engaging with their audience directly. With more and more consumers valuing the importance of a personalized customer experience, the integration of ads into Messenger allowed companies to gain higher engagement rates compared to other ad strategies.

Aside from lead generation benefits, the integration of ads within Messenger allowed companies to have instant communication, reducing the time and resources needed to secure sales and avoid common inconveniences that compromise the chances of securing a sale.

proven ad types for facebook

The Benefits of a Social Media Virtual Assistant

Enter Social Media Virtual Assistants. With the intricacies of setting up ads on Facebook, the learning curve might be too steep for business owners whose expertise is more heavy on other aspects of the operations. These remote professionals offer a myriad of benefits for entrepreneurs who are looking for a cost-effective solution to their social media dilemmas. Aside from Facebook Ad Management, here are the other benefits of having an SM VA alongside you while running your operations:

Content Calendar Planning

These days, having a strong social presence is a must to keep up with the competitors within your industry, especially on Facebook, where everyone is vying for the attention of the largest social media platform in the world. A Social Media Virtual Assistant can help you develop a content calendar outlining the schedule for social media posts, ensuring consistency and strategic timing.

Community Engagement

Carrying on the importance of having a solid presence online, community engagement is an important piece in solidifying your position on Facebook. Your Social Media Virtual Assistant can respond to comments, messages, and mentions on social media platforms, helping your brand foster an engaging community throughout your page.

Market Research

While running your ads and awaiting results, there are other ways to gain more insights and come up with strategies to maximize your efforts. A Social Media Virtual Assistant can help with tasks, including competitor analysis, hashtag research, and consumer research, furthering the resources you have to make better business decisions moving forward.

Influencer Collaborations and Partnerships

With the rise of content creators, influencer marketing has risen in terms of being one of the top digital marketing strategies that businesses use to get their name out there. Regardless of industry, your Social Media Virtual Assistant can help identify which influencers are aligned with your brand and even take on the responsibility of reaching out and coming to terms with a deal to promote your brand.

Data Analysis

Once the runtime of your ads comes to an end, you will need a breakdown of each one's performance. A Social Media Virtual Assistant can analyze these data to see which ads performed the best and which didn’t. This will save you the time of performing the tasks yourself and can greatly benefit your marketing strategies moving forward.

the benefits of a social media virtual assistant

How to Hire a Social Media Virtual Assistant from Virtudesk

Step 1: Accomplish Sign-Up Form

Begin your journey towards acquiring your personal Social Media Virtual Assistant by visiting our official website and filling out a sign-up form. This form will gather all the necessary information before conducting a discovery call. Once the form is completed, the call will go over the specifics of your operations, including your objectives, brand guidelines, and any specific requests you might have in mind for your SM VA.

Step 2: Choosing the Perfect Social Media Virtual Assistant for You

Based on the information gathered during the discovery call, our team will select the most suitable virtual assistant candidates from our talent pool, specifically with skills tailored to the beauty industry.

We will then set up interviews between you and the finalized list of virtual assistants. This will allow you to choose which candidate best aligns with your goals, culture, and team dynamics.

Step 3: Meet and Greet

The hiring process ends with an official meeting between you and your chosen virtual assistant. This session will serve as an introduction where you welcome the virtual assistant to your team and go over important details regarding your operations.

how to hire a social media virtual assistant from virtudesk


Effective advertising, especially on Facebook, is a powerful tool once you’ve equipped yourself with the basic knowledge of how it is utilized. By leveraging Facebook’s wide array of ad types, you are opening your business to a world of opportunities to scale revenue at a pace you never thought possible.

At Virtudesk, we are all about supporting business owners in their journey to success. One of the ways we can do this is through our Social Media Virtual Assistants, each highly trained to provide the best type of social media support to every business owner, regardless of industry. Schedule a discovery call now and experience the power of Virtudesk.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What makes an effective Facebook Ad for businesses?

Depending on your industry and the resources you have, you can utilize different ad types on Facebook, including static image ads, dynamic video ads, carousel ads, and more.

  • How can I maximize Image Ads on Facebook?

Since image ads are static, prioritize high-quality and compelling visuals, making it easier for you to capture the consumers’ attention and possibly secure a sale.

  • Why should I use Video Ads?

If you’re planning to promote a product or a service and you think an image ad wouldn’t do it justice, exploring the possibilities of turning it into a video ad is a good way to promote it since video ads are known for telling a deeper story that captures the attention of consumers.

  • How can Collection Ads drive sales?

Since Collection Ads are known for offering an immersive shopping experience, users browsing the ad are more likely to make a purchase due to the large selection accompanied by storytelling and shopping functionality.

  • How can a Social Media Virtual Assistant benefit my business?

Since Social Media Virtual Assistants are trained to take on a wide array of responsibilities, they can take on the role of dedicated support that can help business owners handle the intricacies of the behind-the-scenes responsibilities of social media and other key administrative tasks.


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